I spent a beautiful saturday afternoon there, last week. It is grat: if you plan to travel around Genoa, consider a short trip here!
A Day at the Museum
THE NAME IS All About Apple. You can contact them via their web site. It's near Savona (close to Genoa), in the north of Italy (and it is near south of France too) and it is one of the biggest privat Museum about Apple Computers. Tons of different Macintoshes, books, PowerBooks and everything you can immagine included official memorabilia.
I spent a beautiful saturday afternoon there, last week. It is grat: if you plan to travel around Genoa, consider a short trip here!
I spent a beautiful saturday afternoon there, last week. It is grat: if you plan to travel around Genoa, consider a short trip here!
What I found on the Internet
NOW I AM reading this:
The PowerBook's processor speed isn't as good as the best Windows machines, and its CD-burner isn't superfast. But I'll get to transfer data through something called "FireWire" instead of "USB." I'll bask in the glow of my backlit keyboard. I will connect wirelessly through "Airport Extreme." As my colleague Om Malik says, "Now you are one of the elite, instead of one of the masses. You are special. You are in the club."
Steve Jobs is !@#&ing amazing.
The PowerBook's processor speed isn't as good as the best Windows machines, and its CD-burner isn't superfast. But I'll get to transfer data through something called "FireWire" instead of "USB." I'll bask in the glow of my backlit keyboard. I will connect wirelessly through "Airport Extreme." As my colleague Om Malik says, "Now you are one of the elite, instead of one of the masses. You are special. You are in the club."
Steve Jobs is !@#&ing amazing.
The size of a postcard or the size of Manhattan?
TODAY I READ this about 32 and 64 bit Cpu differences. Cool.
4.3 billion times bigger. To grasp the enormous leap from 32-bit to 64-bit processing, imagine equating the range of numbers a processor can express with a two-dimensional area. A 32-bit processor can express a range of integers equal to the size of a postcard, while a 64-bit processor can express a range of integers larger than the island of Manhattan.
4.3 billion times bigger. To grasp the enormous leap from 32-bit to 64-bit processing, imagine equating the range of numbers a processor can express with a two-dimensional area. A 32-bit processor can express a range of integers equal to the size of a postcard, while a 64-bit processor can express a range of integers larger than the island of Manhattan.
Happy Birthday, Macintosh
TWENTY YEARS AGO arrived a computer for the rest of us. I'm still using it...
The need of knowledge
I'M WORKING IN a project that uses collaborative knowledge as part of his goals. I suggest you to see one of the most cohoperative efforts online, that is Wikipedia...
Recreating History: Shogun
Nietzsche once said that only strong personalities endure history, the weak ones are extinguished by it. The same can be said for directors who tackle the many challenges inherent in a period film, in re-creating a time, a place, a group of people long since faded from memory.
The challenge in any historical re-creation is to duplicate an experience, regardless of time or budget. Jerry London was allotted $12 million ($1 million per broadcast hour) by NBC and Paramount, and 133 shooting days, to film James Clavell's epic novel of samurai Japan, Shogun. It was a huge budget, even in 1980 dollars, yet it still fell short of London's needs. With both Paramount and NBC unwilling to extend, author James Clavell raised an additional $8 million in pre-sales to international TV outlets so London could complete the shoot. With another $2 million spent on publicity, the grand total for Shogun was more than $22 million. As London tells it, nearly every single dollar showed up on-screen.
"I give much of the credit for the historical accuracy ofShogun to my American art director, and a team of Japanese art directors," London said on the eve of Paramount's DVD release of Shogun. "The art department had done impeccable research for more than five months prior to my arrival in Japan. Since we built nearly all the key sets, shooting in Kyoto, Tokyo, and Nagashima, my job was simply to choose the best visual match from what they provided."
London's job to restage 17th-century feudal Japan brought culture and geography into play. Although he condensed his shooting schedule for weather concerns, a typhoon still swept down after his final day of shooting in Nagashima, stranding his crew and washing sets away. Typhoons seem almost minor compared to London's descriptions of "the culture gap." For Shogun's pivotal earthquake scene, for example, small chambers were dug out of a valley, covered with trap doors and dirt, and set to detonate via linked charges. When the charges failed on two attempts, Shogun's effects supervisor went underground to remedy the situation. The trap doors collapsed, burying the man alive, as Japanese and American crews exacerbated the crisis due to the language barrier. He was eventually pulled to safety, but the next day Japanese crewmembers refused to work. "They said there was an ill omen hanging over the location and they would not go back to work until a Shinto priest had blessed the site," London said.
Shogun's culture gap challenged the very essence of London's job � communicating directions. He used female interpreters, many of whom London called "the very best in the country." Yet Shogun still fell behind schedule after the first week. "Every direction I gave to the interpreter would then be repeated in Japanese to the crew, who would talk about it, and then relay back questions to her, which she would then translate for me," London explained. "There was too much back-and-forth and I was losing days. I decided to give my directions directly to the crew in English, and she would immediately translate. After the second week, I was back on schedule. One day over lunch, I bragged to her about how I had saved all this time speaking directly to the crew, and she said: 'that had nothing to do with it. They just didn't want to take orders from a woman.'"
(c) DGA Magazines, David Geffner -- This republishing is intended only for academical purposes as a citation
Nietzsche once said that only strong personalities endure history, the weak ones are extinguished by it. The same can be said for directors who tackle the many challenges inherent in a period film, in re-creating a time, a place, a group of people long since faded from memory.
The challenge in any historical re-creation is to duplicate an experience, regardless of time or budget. Jerry London was allotted $12 million ($1 million per broadcast hour) by NBC and Paramount, and 133 shooting days, to film James Clavell's epic novel of samurai Japan, Shogun. It was a huge budget, even in 1980 dollars, yet it still fell short of London's needs. With both Paramount and NBC unwilling to extend, author James Clavell raised an additional $8 million in pre-sales to international TV outlets so London could complete the shoot. With another $2 million spent on publicity, the grand total for Shogun was more than $22 million. As London tells it, nearly every single dollar showed up on-screen.
"I give much of the credit for the historical accuracy ofShogun to my American art director, and a team of Japanese art directors," London said on the eve of Paramount's DVD release of Shogun. "The art department had done impeccable research for more than five months prior to my arrival in Japan. Since we built nearly all the key sets, shooting in Kyoto, Tokyo, and Nagashima, my job was simply to choose the best visual match from what they provided."
London's job to restage 17th-century feudal Japan brought culture and geography into play. Although he condensed his shooting schedule for weather concerns, a typhoon still swept down after his final day of shooting in Nagashima, stranding his crew and washing sets away. Typhoons seem almost minor compared to London's descriptions of "the culture gap." For Shogun's pivotal earthquake scene, for example, small chambers were dug out of a valley, covered with trap doors and dirt, and set to detonate via linked charges. When the charges failed on two attempts, Shogun's effects supervisor went underground to remedy the situation. The trap doors collapsed, burying the man alive, as Japanese and American crews exacerbated the crisis due to the language barrier. He was eventually pulled to safety, but the next day Japanese crewmembers refused to work. "They said there was an ill omen hanging over the location and they would not go back to work until a Shinto priest had blessed the site," London said.
Shogun's culture gap challenged the very essence of London's job � communicating directions. He used female interpreters, many of whom London called "the very best in the country." Yet Shogun still fell behind schedule after the first week. "Every direction I gave to the interpreter would then be repeated in Japanese to the crew, who would talk about it, and then relay back questions to her, which she would then translate for me," London explained. "There was too much back-and-forth and I was losing days. I decided to give my directions directly to the crew in English, and she would immediately translate. After the second week, I was back on schedule. One day over lunch, I bragged to her about how I had saved all this time speaking directly to the crew, and she said: 'that had nothing to do with it. They just didn't want to take orders from a woman.'"
(c) DGA Magazines, David Geffner -- This republishing is intended only for academical purposes as a citation
I switched. Twice. This is my story...
APPLE LAUNCHED THE switch campaign one year ago. People loved or criticized it, but I believe the guys at Cupertino get the right point. People switch. Everyone. I did. The first computer I used (and I used it for a long time) was a home computer, a Commodore 64 I bought (well, my parents, of course, but this is not the point) in 1984. Mac was brand new, something very attractive, I've seen it for a long time on advertising and magazines. But it was an "adult box" (painless and cosy, but adult, not for kids).
I like to write, and I wrote for a long time. But part of the pleasure was the act of writing, using paper and pen. So, for a long time, I had no need for a computer. In two years, 1991-92, I met my first couple of Macs. The first was a Classic I. It was at University, studying Political Science. We started up a student newspaper, and the Classic was our machine thanks to the administration that gave the boxes to the students . Andrea Aiazzi, the editor-in-chief, was so intrigued that bought a Classic II, but when he was tired about this little beauty, I unfortunately lost the chance to buy it. Sometimes I think about that and I'm still sorry.
My mother is an architect. She bought a PowerBook 100 in 1992. I used it intensively, especially during two summer seasons. Then, I finally decided to buy a Mac for me. In 1993 it was time switch for the first time and to buy a Macintosh LcIII. I still have and sometimes use that beautiful old machine, full optional: math coprocessor, maximum Ram and VRam, 80 Mb HD.
Then, a long time (I bought a Sega Saturn, then Internet appeared but I chose a Sega Dreamcast) until it was the right moment for a G3. The first one: a desktop 233 Mhz G3 in early 1998. Great machine, but the only one that gave me not one but two major problems: the logic board fall one night and the HD another night. Sad story. But I was moving from Florence to Milan, and I decided to leave the two computers (the first still running Os 7.6.1, the other one Os 8.1) in my room. They are yet there, on my desktop.
So I was in Milan. Moving from one house to another, using only a Palm V (2Mb of ram, still good). I started to work at Catholic University in Milan and there I found a couple of Macintosh Lc 5 series and two terrific G4 Pci. And a friend of mine, Grazia Solazzi, who had a clamshell iBook. Great. I was addict again, Mac was a good word again and I was in desperate need of a computer. Time for video games was definitely out (ok, still using a Game Boy, but this is another story). Anyway there was still a problem.
The second time I switched it was from a Sega Dreamcast. Or maybe from a Palm V, as you prefer. My need was portability, because I had no chance to move a computer in a fast way from house to house. I remembered PowerBook 100 age (and my childhood, BTW) and I saw Grazia's example with that strange and colored clamshell iBook. Ok, maybe it was time for a Mac again. I decided: a laptop.
Which one? There was still some Pismo around, but the new 'books were a true revolution. In January 2001 there was the first Titanium, with a 400 or 500 Mhz G4. And then, in May 2001, it was time for the first dual usb 500 Mhz G3 iBook. Half the price of a Titanium, double speed of my not-so-old desktop G3, a huge custom 20 Gb HD and a maximum of ram: 640 Mb. Ok, it was my machine. The only problem was the Os. I did not understood that Mac Os X was in the pipeline, so I did not understood the lack of power of a cpu without Altivec and the fact that only 8 Mb of Vram would be a major issue.
I got the iceBook, the one white little brother I'm using now to write this words. I get it in August 2001, from AppleStore. No more old retail shop with a friend and a long time relationship. No discount, but probably this is a sign of time: I'm in a big city, alone (not really, but you get the idea), in a small flat. Perfect time for a laptop.
And now? After two years and an half, I'm a serious journalist, specialized in technology. I had the chance to attend two MacWorld (in SF) and one Apple Expo (in Paris). Internet is a daily part of my life, I travel a lot overseas. My office is in a backpack: iBook and a Nokia triband mobile phone. From few months, also a 15 Gb iPod with a Belkin Voice Recorder. That's it.
I was in Atlanta when local Apple retail Store open. I bought one AirPort base station and an AirPort card. The second, real revolution using a Mac. Maybe today is time to change laptop. I tested two Titanium, 800 Mhz and 1 Ghz, a 12 inch 867 Mhz Alluminium PowerBook and a 17 inch Alluminium PowerBook. Great machine, but I'm still in love with my iBook. It is a reliable and though machine, today with a G4 Cpu. What do you think, may be the next one 12 inch iBook will be 1 Ghz G4... Maybe it is time to get it. Maybe... I'm open to suggestions.
I like to write, and I wrote for a long time. But part of the pleasure was the act of writing, using paper and pen. So, for a long time, I had no need for a computer. In two years, 1991-92, I met my first couple of Macs. The first was a Classic I. It was at University, studying Political Science. We started up a student newspaper, and the Classic was our machine thanks to the administration that gave the boxes to the students . Andrea Aiazzi, the editor-in-chief, was so intrigued that bought a Classic II, but when he was tired about this little beauty, I unfortunately lost the chance to buy it. Sometimes I think about that and I'm still sorry.
My mother is an architect. She bought a PowerBook 100 in 1992. I used it intensively, especially during two summer seasons. Then, I finally decided to buy a Mac for me. In 1993 it was time switch for the first time and to buy a Macintosh LcIII. I still have and sometimes use that beautiful old machine, full optional: math coprocessor, maximum Ram and VRam, 80 Mb HD.
Then, a long time (I bought a Sega Saturn, then Internet appeared but I chose a Sega Dreamcast) until it was the right moment for a G3. The first one: a desktop 233 Mhz G3 in early 1998. Great machine, but the only one that gave me not one but two major problems: the logic board fall one night and the HD another night. Sad story. But I was moving from Florence to Milan, and I decided to leave the two computers (the first still running Os 7.6.1, the other one Os 8.1) in my room. They are yet there, on my desktop.
So I was in Milan. Moving from one house to another, using only a Palm V (2Mb of ram, still good). I started to work at Catholic University in Milan and there I found a couple of Macintosh Lc 5 series and two terrific G4 Pci. And a friend of mine, Grazia Solazzi, who had a clamshell iBook. Great. I was addict again, Mac was a good word again and I was in desperate need of a computer. Time for video games was definitely out (ok, still using a Game Boy, but this is another story). Anyway there was still a problem.
The second time I switched it was from a Sega Dreamcast. Or maybe from a Palm V, as you prefer. My need was portability, because I had no chance to move a computer in a fast way from house to house. I remembered PowerBook 100 age (and my childhood, BTW) and I saw Grazia's example with that strange and colored clamshell iBook. Ok, maybe it was time for a Mac again. I decided: a laptop.
Which one? There was still some Pismo around, but the new 'books were a true revolution. In January 2001 there was the first Titanium, with a 400 or 500 Mhz G4. And then, in May 2001, it was time for the first dual usb 500 Mhz G3 iBook. Half the price of a Titanium, double speed of my not-so-old desktop G3, a huge custom 20 Gb HD and a maximum of ram: 640 Mb. Ok, it was my machine. The only problem was the Os. I did not understood that Mac Os X was in the pipeline, so I did not understood the lack of power of a cpu without Altivec and the fact that only 8 Mb of Vram would be a major issue.
I got the iceBook, the one white little brother I'm using now to write this words. I get it in August 2001, from AppleStore. No more old retail shop with a friend and a long time relationship. No discount, but probably this is a sign of time: I'm in a big city, alone (not really, but you get the idea), in a small flat. Perfect time for a laptop.
And now? After two years and an half, I'm a serious journalist, specialized in technology. I had the chance to attend two MacWorld (in SF) and one Apple Expo (in Paris). Internet is a daily part of my life, I travel a lot overseas. My office is in a backpack: iBook and a Nokia triband mobile phone. From few months, also a 15 Gb iPod with a Belkin Voice Recorder. That's it.
I was in Atlanta when local Apple retail Store open. I bought one AirPort base station and an AirPort card. The second, real revolution using a Mac. Maybe today is time to change laptop. I tested two Titanium, 800 Mhz and 1 Ghz, a 12 inch 867 Mhz Alluminium PowerBook and a 17 inch Alluminium PowerBook. Great machine, but I'm still in love with my iBook. It is a reliable and though machine, today with a G4 Cpu. What do you think, may be the next one 12 inch iBook will be 1 Ghz G4... Maybe it is time to get it. Maybe... I'm open to suggestions.
God and Larry Ellison
ELLISON IS JUST married with Melanie Craft (happy family after eight years!) that is a nice girl, by the way.
But the former Oracle Ceo and Steve Job's best friend is also very popular as a temperamental business man. So, I've found a nice biography of the man... that explain an important difference between God and him. Here it is:
But the former Oracle Ceo and Steve Job's best friend is also very popular as a temperamental business man. So, I've found a nice biography of the man... that explain an important difference between God and him. Here it is:
Griffin prepares a new iMic for iPod
AFTER THE SUCCESS of the competitor Belkin' Voice Recorder, Griffin starts to prepare a new device for iPod that record voice. This time, it will be possible to link a line-in cable. For a professional Mic, for example, or from an audio source line-out... The name? iTalk, of course...
Shipping in April?
Shipping in April?
Do you use a Mac? Read here
I'VE FOUND A lot of stories about people using a Mac that have been "marginalized". The stories are are like this one:
Russ Brown
The Ontario Government only supports Windows for on-line business registration and renewal: [Register/Renew Online]. I filed a complaint
Russ Brown
The Ontario Government only supports Windows for on-line business registration and renewal: [Register/Renew Online]. I filed a complaint
The 20th Anniversary is coming
WHAT IS CHANGED in the last 20 years?
Only for people that read Il Sole 24Ore
TODAY, IF YOU like to read Italian newspapers, you can find Il Sole 24Ore and the weekly technology section @lfa. Here I am. Writing about Apple, Sony and much more...
Tra nove giorni il Macintosh compie vent'anni ma Steve Jobs, fondatore e Ceo di Apple, non ha tempo per le autocelebrazioni. Marted� della settima scorsa, quella dell'annuale MacWorld di San Francisco, � stata una delle pi� intense nella storia dell'azienda di Cupertino...
Tra nove giorni il Macintosh compie vent'anni ma Steve Jobs, fondatore e Ceo di Apple, non ha tempo per le autocelebrazioni. Marted� della settima scorsa, quella dell'annuale MacWorld di San Francisco, � stata una delle pi� intense nella storia dell'azienda di Cupertino...
Back in Milan
HERE I AM, back in the Italian main city for business. After a long flight from San Francisco to Paris and then to Milan, all with AirFrance, I'm back to my desk. Jet lag is hard, but I have to work... I see on the internet that the perspective on MacWorld is changing. The very first hours after Steve Jobs keynote, press was looking for a big news. But there wasn't any.
After one day the agreement with Carly Fiorina, Ceo of HP, arrived as a less important news but it has grown in the next hours. Today, instead of new software, brand new, cheap 64-bit servers and other small things like the iPod mini, the big news is that of the franchising with HP.
So, what about my story for the weekly section devote to High-Tech of my newspaper? What is the headline?Any suggestion? I'm still thinkin' about it. And I have to write tomorrow...
After one day the agreement with Carly Fiorina, Ceo of HP, arrived as a less important news but it has grown in the next hours. Today, instead of new software, brand new, cheap 64-bit servers and other small things like the iPod mini, the big news is that of the franchising with HP.
So, what about my story for the weekly section devote to High-Tech of my newspaper? What is the headline?Any suggestion? I'm still thinkin' about it. And I have to write tomorrow...
Here's to the crazy ones.
The misfits.
The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things.
They invent. They imagine. They heal.
They explore. They create. They inspire.
They push the human race forward.
Maybe they have to be crazy.
How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art? Or sit in silence and hear a song that's never been written? Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?
We make tools for these kinds of people.
While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
(c) Apple computer, Inc
News from Las Vegas
THIS IS INCREDIBLE: Hp has announced an agreement with Apple Computer to release from summer an Hp version of iPod (the big one, not the mini). It will use the Apple iPod Os (basically, when switched on it will show an Apple logo) and the same interface. Only made by Hp. And Hp will put iTunes application on every new Pc produced.
The idea for Apple is to expand his presence in digital music. May be they think that iTunes Music Store is a serious business by itself, and not only to sell more iPod...

The idea for Apple is to expand his presence in digital music. May be they think that iTunes Music Store is a serious business by itself, and not only to sell more iPod...
Virtual press room
BUT THERE IS another company, that is not Microsoft, that is trying to put Apple in a corner. When I was, a month ago, in Tokyo, I visited the Apple Store at Ginza. Ginza is the hi-level shopping district of the Japanese most famous and glamouros city, and Apple is the only technology company that decided to open a retail in this part of the city, instead of the technology district of Akihabara.
But also Sony Computer is in Ginza, and they would like to stop the fast-growing of the iPod. Using an old technology, Minidisc, with a new version of the cartridge, that can hold 1 Gb of data instead of 160 Mb. that means 7.55 hours instead of 80 minutes (using Atrac codec). The fight is open...
But also Sony Computer is in Ginza, and they would like to stop the fast-growing of the iPod. Using an old technology, Minidisc, with a new version of the cartridge, that can hold 1 Gb of data instead of 160 Mb. that means 7.55 hours instead of 80 minutes (using Atrac codec). The fight is open...
Press Room at Moscone Center
THIS IS DAY three of MacWorld 2004. The place is almost empty. A French journalist, that I met many time in various Mac events, told me that he thinks this is the last MacWorld.
Probably it is not true (on the reverse side of the badge Idg writes: "Save the dates: July 12-15 2004 Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. Boston MA --- January 10-14 2005, The Moscone Center, San Francisco CA", so what do you think?)
A lot of people, here and on the Internet, have a lot of concerns about the price of the new iPod Mini. I do not agree (anyway the Italian price will be of course higher!). I would like to find one of the new "internal hears" heandsets. Mainly because mine are definitely gone, but I would like to change kind, because I do not feel confortable with other devices. I will try to see at CompUsa later.

In front of me is sitting a Cnet journalist. She is one of the few taht use a (small) Ibm ThinkPad... Poor jerk.
Probably it is not true (on the reverse side of the badge Idg writes: "Save the dates: July 12-15 2004 Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. Boston MA --- January 10-14 2005, The Moscone Center, San Francisco CA", so what do you think?)
A lot of people, here and on the Internet, have a lot of concerns about the price of the new iPod Mini. I do not agree (anyway the Italian price will be of course higher!). I would like to find one of the new "internal hears" heandsets. Mainly because mine are definitely gone, but I would like to change kind, because I do not feel confortable with other devices. I will try to see at CompUsa later.
In front of me is sitting a Cnet journalist. She is one of the few taht use a (small) Ibm ThinkPad... Poor jerk.
This is a great city
BOYS, YOU CANNOT imagine how I love this place!
It was not so bad...
JOURNALISTS HERE AT Moscone Center, in San Francisco, are typing like hells. The keynote give them enought to have three or four good stories. Mac turned 20. A brand new iPod (HEY IT IS TRUE, only the body is different). A new iApp for the rest of us (Garage Band). New iApp Suite ('04). New Xserve and Xserve Raid with G5 power. And a lot of proudness to be Mac users.
Sounds great! I mean: it rocks!
Sounds great! I mean: it rocks!
QUESTION: WHAT DO you call the R&D department at Dell?
Answer: Apple Computer.
...and History
�On January 24th, Apple Computer will introduce �Macintosh�, and you�ll see why 1984 won�t be like �1984�.
-Closing line from Apple�s famous �1984� commercial, which starred Anya Major, and which was directed by Ridley Scott.
Answer: Apple Computer.
...and History
�On January 24th, Apple Computer will introduce �Macintosh�, and you�ll see why 1984 won�t be like �1984�.
-Closing line from Apple�s famous �1984� commercial, which starred Anya Major, and which was directed by Ridley Scott.
On the Air (Italians only)
DI CHE COSA si parla, quando si parla di sicurezza?
Il grande rischio: i "ladri" di accessi
di Antonio Dini
C'era una volta la Grande depressione, in America. E c'erano gli hobos, ex impiegati e agricoltori che avevano perso tutto, anche la casa. Moderni anti-eroi cantati da Woody Guthrie, il folk singer che ha fatto da maestro a Bob Dylan. Si aggiravano, gli hobos, in cerca di aiuto per le citt� e le campagne. Segnando con un gesso i muri delle case "amiche", dove potevano avere del cibo e forse riparo: un segno di solidariet� per i compagni di sventura.
Gli hobos postmoderni, invece, si aggirano nei labirinti delle citt� americane ed europee, da San Francisco a New York, da Londra a Milano. Segnano con un gesso i muri dei palazzi dove c'� il loro bene prezioso: connessioni ad Internet senza fili, gratuite e a larga banda.
Il resto potete leggerlo qui, oltre che in un mio posto precedente, visto che a quanto pare si sono decisi a mettere tutto online!
Per quanto riguarda lo stato degli enti locali, qui si legge:
Da quota tremila metri sino al livello del mare: le connessioni senza fili (Wi-Fi) prendono piede nei Comuni italiani. Sulle pendici dell'Etna, nella bassa padana, in Piemonte e in Toscana, al Nord come al Sud: i 6 mila Comuni pi� piccoli, quelli dove vivono meno di cinquemila persone, in totale quasi dieci milioni di italiani, stanno scoprendo la tecnologia che consente di offrire connettivit� a larga banda a computer fissi e palmari senza bisogno di cavi.
Lo speciale "Wireless Fidelity" lo trovate, invece, qui, con numerosi articoli tutti di alto livello! Soprattutto i miei...
Il grande rischio: i "ladri" di accessi
di Antonio Dini
C'era una volta la Grande depressione, in America. E c'erano gli hobos, ex impiegati e agricoltori che avevano perso tutto, anche la casa. Moderni anti-eroi cantati da Woody Guthrie, il folk singer che ha fatto da maestro a Bob Dylan. Si aggiravano, gli hobos, in cerca di aiuto per le citt� e le campagne. Segnando con un gesso i muri delle case "amiche", dove potevano avere del cibo e forse riparo: un segno di solidariet� per i compagni di sventura.
Gli hobos postmoderni, invece, si aggirano nei labirinti delle citt� americane ed europee, da San Francisco a New York, da Londra a Milano. Segnano con un gesso i muri dei palazzi dove c'� il loro bene prezioso: connessioni ad Internet senza fili, gratuite e a larga banda.
Il resto potete leggerlo qui, oltre che in un mio posto precedente, visto che a quanto pare si sono decisi a mettere tutto online!
Per quanto riguarda lo stato degli enti locali, qui si legge:
Da quota tremila metri sino al livello del mare: le connessioni senza fili (Wi-Fi) prendono piede nei Comuni italiani. Sulle pendici dell'Etna, nella bassa padana, in Piemonte e in Toscana, al Nord come al Sud: i 6 mila Comuni pi� piccoli, quelli dove vivono meno di cinquemila persone, in totale quasi dieci milioni di italiani, stanno scoprendo la tecnologia che consente di offrire connettivit� a larga banda a computer fissi e palmari senza bisogno di cavi.
Lo speciale "Wireless Fidelity" lo trovate, invece, qui, con numerosi articoli tutti di alto livello! Soprattutto i miei...
Go to SF? Be connected!
THIS IS A useful list of hotels in SF where you can find in-room Internet connection. Rates may vary a lot from one to another.
I will be in "W San Francisco", Third Street.
I will be in "W San Francisco", Third Street.
News about iPod
SEEMS LIKE THE iPod has a lot of chances to be renewed. People on Internet are trying to figure out new designs...
Cannot put online the image for copyright reason. But you can check it here by your own.
(PS: Happy 2004 to everybody)
But maybe the right one is this:
Cannot put online the image for copyright reason. But you can check it here by your own.
(PS: Happy 2004 to everybody)
But maybe the right one is this:
SF Expedition
I'M READY TO go to San Francisco. I will be there sunday at 01 pm, more or less (hopefully... don't say more!). MacWorld is coming...
In the mean time, I would like to put your attention to another expedition, this one is to Mars! Here I am, of course! On a Dvd full of names, including Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Great crew!
In the mean time, I would like to put your attention to another expedition, this one is to Mars! Here I am, of course! On a Dvd full of names, including Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Great crew!
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