
Final Edition

LA CHIUSURA DEL Rocky Mountain di Denver 55 giorni prima del suo 150mo compleanno, cioè venerdì scorso, qui a Seattle fa eco all'annunciata fine del Post-Intelligencer (se ne parla qui e alla grande qui. Da notare che si tratta di due settimanali locali free-press...).

Il video sul Rocky, poi, è tutto da vedere.


Intanto, prende quota negli Usa una idea che a me non dispiace affatto (ho cominciato a fare il giornalista in una radio non-profit, dopotutto).

Money quote: NEW HAVEN, Conn. -- As sharp revenue reductions put the future of many U.S. newspapers in doubt, one idea gaining attention is the conversion of newspapers into tax-exempt nonprofits supported by large endowments. Although viewed by many as a long shot at best, such a radical change could be a savior for the industry and its vital role in a democracy. That's why the endowment model is drawing renewed attention as newspapers impose massive layoffs, scale back home delivery and make other drastic cuts to counter plunging advertising revenue amid a recession that has compounded struggles from the migration of readers to the Internet.

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