
Andate e abbeveratevi tutti

Per tutti coloro i quali la produttività è una chimera (fondamentale ma irraggiungibile). Per voi ci sono 9 TED talks accuratamente selezionati. Andate ed abbeveratevi tutti.

- Adam Grant's 'The surprising habits of original thinkers'
- Shawn Achor's 'The happy secret to better work'
- Nilofer Merchant's 'Got a meeting? Take a walk'
- Jason Fried's 'Why work doesn't happen at work'
- Stefan Sagmeister's 'The power of time off'
- David Grady's 'How to save the world (or at least yourself) from bad meetings'
- Yves Morieux's 'How too many rules at work keep you from getting things done'
- Arianna Huffington's 'How to succeed? Get more sleep'
- Margaret Heffernan's 'Dare to disagree'

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