
Problemi 2.0

COSA SUCCEDE SE fate il test genetico per scoprire quali possibili malattie e aspettativa di vita avete? Potrebbero saltare fuori nuovi parenti prima sconosciuti. Oppure altri potrebbero scomparire. Un vecchio articolo che vale la pena di leggere, adesso che i test genetici stanno diventando popolari anche da noi

Money quote: “After this discovery was made, I went back to 23andMe and talked to them. I said, "I'm not sure all your customers realize that when they participate in your family finder program, they're participating in what are essentially really advanced paternity tests." People find out that their parents aren't who they think they are. They have nearly a million people in the database. If there happens to be anyone in there you're related to, they'll find your match. This is a solid science.”

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