
Natural born killer

BISOGNA SEMPRE AVERE voglia di imparare qualcosa di nuovo. Questo tizio, ad esempio, voleva imparare a fare l’hardware, essendo già a posto con le competenze software. Così, ha preso e si è messo di buzzo buono per fare una cartuccia di GameBoy Color da zero, con al suo interno un inedito porting di Wolfenstein 3D.


Mica male.

Money quote:

“I wanted to learn how to design PCBs, work with surface mount components, and generally learn more about hardware. I am a software guy and consider myself still very much a novice when it comes to hardware.

It always helps having a specific problem to solve when learning something so I decided to see if I could make something in the spirit of the Super-FX, but for the Gameboy.
The Gameboy was a natural choice, I started my career in games way back in the days working on the Gameboy so I thought it would be a fun trip down memory lane – I was right! :)”

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