
Sei gradi di separazione

NON LO SAPEVO, ma Ben Evans (analista tra i più quotati del mercato hi-tech) è nipote dal lato materno di William Jenkins, alias Murray Leinster. Ah, poi il suo articolo dice cose condivisibili sulla (in)capacità che abbiamo avuto di predire il computer e internet. Ma questo è secondario, direi, rispetto alla scoperta della sua parentela per me, vecchio appassionato di fantascienza.

Money quote:

“In 1946, by which time he'd become a notable writer of science fiction, he published a story called 'A Logic named Joe', which described a global computer network with servers and terminals, that starts giving people the information that it thinks they ought to know as opposed to waiting for them to search for it - the Singularity, if you like, or maybe just Alexa. He also, as I recall, predicted reality TV somewhere. 

And yet, despite predicting half of our world, as a father in the 1950s he could not imagine why his daughter - my mother - wanted to work.“

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