
Letture per la domenica: the Cave writing workshop by Robert Coover

POI UNA VOLTA tutta questa bellezza della scrittura e della tecnologia assieme, dovremmo prenderla di petto e rimetterla al centro, per capirla meglio. Prima che i pionieri siano morti tutti. Perché concetti come il “narrative movement” e il "positional sound” sono troppo belli per non lasciare una traccia permanente nella nostra cosmogonia personale.

Money quote: "A number of institutions have constructed CAVEs, which are primarily used for scientific research and visualization. Brown University’s Center for Computation and Development installed a CAVE in 1998, and in 2002 the Cave Writing workshop was initiated by Robert Coover, novelist, hypertext fiction writer and co-founder of the Electronic Literature Organization. These workshops mark a significant and innovative use of an immersive virtual reality environment for interdisciplinary textual research and artistic experimentation. The Cave Writing workshop at Brown facilitates the collaboration of undergraduate and graduate students, writers and programmers, artists and scientists from a number of different fields. The initial objectives of the workshop included introducing text, positional sound, and narrative movement into what was predominantly a visual, silent, and spatial environment. The focus was to explore the word in an immersive, virtual context."

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