
Telelavoro bye bye

PERCHÉ IL TELELAVORO è una bella cosa, ma poi serve avere anche un ufficio. Oppure no? Ibm adesso dà una bella stretta, ma l’impressione è che si tratti di una strategia per favorire un alleggerimento “volontario” della forza lavoro

Money quote: “IBM had decided to “co-locate” the US marketing department, about 2,600 people, which meant that all teams would now work together, “shoulder to shoulder,” from one of six different locations—Atlanta, Raleigh, Austin, Boston, San Francisco, and New York. Employees who worked primarily from home would be required to commute, and employees who worked remotely or from an office that was not on the list (or an office that was on the list, but different than the one to which their teams had been assigned) would be required to either move or look for another job. Similar announcements had already been made in other departments, and more would be made in the future.” 

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