
Non ci sono più i tycoon di una volta

C'È STATO UN tempo in cui Donald Trump parlava molto meglio, con più proprietà di linguaggio e complessiva lucidità. Vengono avanzate due ipotesi per l'evidente difficoltà di oggi a seguire un percorso logico nei discorsi e a usare parole non generiche: fisiologico rincoglionimento per l'età oppure incipiente Alzheimer.

Money quote: "In interviews Trump gave in the 1980s and 1990s (with Tom Brokaw, David Letterman, Oprah Winfrey, Charlie Rose, and others), he spoke articulately, used sophisticated vocabulary, inserted dependent clauses into his sentences without losing his train of thought, and strung together sentences into a polished paragraph, which — and this is no mean feat — would have scanned just fine in print. This was so even when reporters asked tough questions about, for instance, his divorce, his brush with bankruptcy, and why he doesn’t build housing for working-class Americans"

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