Comunque, l'avevo visitato qualche mese fa e devo dire che è un lavoro impressionante. Per rendere l'idea, come al solito, le fantastiche foto del Boston Globe, quel servizio che fa sembrare la parte online dei nostri giornali ancora più una barzelletta di quanto non si creda.

The collider is currently undergoing commissioning while being cooled down to its final operating temperature of approximately 1.9 K (−271.25 °C). The first particle beams are due for injection in August 2008, with the first collisions planned to take place two to three months later.
When activated, it is theorized that the collider will produce the elusive Higgs boson, the observation of which could confirm the predictions and "missing links" in the Standard Model of physics and could explain how other elementary particles acquire properties such as mass. The verification of the existence of the Higgs boson would be a significant step in the search for a Grand Unified Theory, which seeks to unify three of the four known fundamental forces: electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force, leaving out only gravity. The Higgs boson may also help to explain why gravitation is so weak compared to the other three forces. In addition to the Higgs boson, other theorized novel particles that might be produced, and for which searches are planned, include strangelets, micro black holes, magnetic monopoles and supersymmetric particles.
1 commento:
Però sai che figata un buco nero? Ecco, non da inghiottire la terra subito, facciamo tipo un mese. E stare a guardare il genere umano affrontare la sua fine. Un ottimo studio antropologico. :-)
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