ARRIVA IL WIFI del futuro, più veloce e consuma meno - Il mio articolo per la Stampa
Money quote: “Sarà più stabile e sicuro, ma conserverà la compatibilità con gli standard attuali”
So... Black privilege.
DOMENICA DI VIAGGIO fino a San Francisco. Che città stupenda. Ancora di più leggendo Doonesbury di Garry B. Trudeau
Alitalia fuori da SkyTeam?
LA NOTIZIA NON è ufficiale ma me lo hanno detto fonti interne a Linate. Alitalia lascia SkyTeam. Intanto io vado negli Usa con Klm e AirFrance...
Chess nazi
FRA LE TANTE specie di nazi che popolano il pianeta, ancora non conoscevo i “chess-nazi”: talmente appassionati del gioco che soffrono quando vedono le scacchiere usate male nei film e telefilm. Cioè, spesso, visto che a scacchi ci gioca poca gente (almeno tra chi fa film e telefilm) con risultati piuttosto discutibili per la correttezza del gioco. Divertente.
Money quote: ““There are a ton of chess mistakes in TV and in film,” says Mike Klein, a writer and videographer for While different experts cite different error ratios, from “20 percent” to “much more often than not,” all agree: Hollywood is terrible at chess, even though they really don’t have to be. “There are so many [errors], it’s hard to keep track,” says Grandmaster Ilja Zaragatski, of chess24. “And there are constantly [new ones] coming out.””
Money quote: ““There are a ton of chess mistakes in TV and in film,” says Mike Klein, a writer and videographer for While different experts cite different error ratios, from “20 percent” to “much more often than not,” all agree: Hollywood is terrible at chess, even though they really don’t have to be. “There are so many [errors], it’s hard to keep track,” says Grandmaster Ilja Zaragatski, of chess24. “And there are constantly [new ones] coming out.””
I soldi non sono tutto, anche se poi servono sempre
QUESTO TIZIO NON HO idea di chi sia, a parte che faccia il cuoco, anzi il cuoco-star, ma il modo con cui racconta la sua storia è interessante. E pensare che poi è una forma di pubblicità per un sito di investimenti è meraviglioso. Chi diceva che lo storytelling sta diventando una cosa seria?
Money quote 1: “My books do very well, but it’s probably the least profitable thing that I do. I like writing. But writing your way to riches isn’t a reasonable life plan. For me it's responsible for everything though. I started out doing book tours; they became too big for the bookstores, so they would rent halls, which would fill. Those numbers grew and grew, and people started booking me for corporate events, which were incredibly lucrative. And then people who promote concerts and musical acts approached me. It quickly became clear that, like the record business, there ain’t no money in a record. It’s the tour. The biggest revenue stream out there for me is going out and telling dick jokes. It’s physically and mentally punishing, and takes a lot out of me, but it's over in a relatively short period of time.”
Money quote 2: “Money doesn’t particularly excite or thrill me; the making of money gives me no particular satisfaction. To me, money is freedom from insecurity, freedom to move, time if you choose to make use of time. My investments advisor understands that I’m not looking to score big on the stock market or bonds. I have zero understanding of it and zero interest. Life is too short. I like a limited amount of mail, and a limited amount of conversations with people who make the investments. If the money’s not less money every time I look at it, I’m pretty happy. If it’s a little bit more, great.”
Money quote 1: “My books do very well, but it’s probably the least profitable thing that I do. I like writing. But writing your way to riches isn’t a reasonable life plan. For me it's responsible for everything though. I started out doing book tours; they became too big for the bookstores, so they would rent halls, which would fill. Those numbers grew and grew, and people started booking me for corporate events, which were incredibly lucrative. And then people who promote concerts and musical acts approached me. It quickly became clear that, like the record business, there ain’t no money in a record. It’s the tour. The biggest revenue stream out there for me is going out and telling dick jokes. It’s physically and mentally punishing, and takes a lot out of me, but it's over in a relatively short period of time.”
Money quote 2: “Money doesn’t particularly excite or thrill me; the making of money gives me no particular satisfaction. To me, money is freedom from insecurity, freedom to move, time if you choose to make use of time. My investments advisor understands that I’m not looking to score big on the stock market or bonds. I have zero understanding of it and zero interest. Life is too short. I like a limited amount of mail, and a limited amount of conversations with people who make the investments. If the money’s not less money every time I look at it, I’m pretty happy. If it’s a little bit more, great.”
Ghost in the Shell (trailer #2 - 2017)
GHOST IN THE Shell è una specie di capolavoro nipponico del cyberpunk. Ci sono almeno due generazioni (se non tre) del manga e degli anime di Shirow Masamune (è uno pseudonimo non invertibile). Adesso arriva il film con Scarelett Johansson. Signore, fai che non sia una tavanata.
Qui il secondo trailer. L’uscita del film è prevista nelle sale americane il 31 marzo 2017 e il Italia il 30 marzo
Qui il secondo trailer. L’uscita del film è prevista nelle sale americane il 31 marzo 2017 e il Italia il 30 marzo
Toc Toc Toc, che Tic sei?
I PROCESSORI CANNONLAKE, che devono arrivare prima della fine dell’anno, non saranno a quanto pare più a 10nanometri ma a 14nanometri. Già Intel aveva rallentato il ciclo Toc-Tic introducendo anche terzo step (Toc di nuovo) e adesso arriva il quarto raffinamento senza aumentare la miniaturizzazione. Pezzo che spiega, partendo da questo, che con tutta probabilità è davvero finita la legge di Moore, e che impatto avrà questo sui futuri computer.
Jimmy Breslin (1928-2017)
Pian piano ce ne andiamo tutti. Si dice che i migliori se ne vadano per primi. Jimmy ci ha messo un po’, ma era di gran lunga uno dei migliori
Money quote: “Poetic and profane, softhearted and unforgiving, Mr. Breslin inspired every emotion but indifference; letters from outraged readers gladdened his heart. He often went after his own, from Irish-Americans with “shopping-center faces” who had forgotten their hardscrabble roots to the Roman Catholic Church, whose sex scandals prompted him to write an angry book called “The Church That Forgot Christ,” published in 2004. It ends with a cheeky vow to start a new church that would demand more low-income housing and better posture.”
Money quote: “Poetic and profane, softhearted and unforgiving, Mr. Breslin inspired every emotion but indifference; letters from outraged readers gladdened his heart. He often went after his own, from Irish-Americans with “shopping-center faces” who had forgotten their hardscrabble roots to the Roman Catholic Church, whose sex scandals prompted him to write an angry book called “The Church That Forgot Christ,” published in 2004. It ends with a cheeky vow to start a new church that would demand more low-income housing and better posture.”
Old dogs, old tricks
IL CESSNA 172 è un aereo unico: in produzione da 60 anni circa, è uno dei più diffusi al mondo se non il più diffuso. Un vero miracolo di resilienza. Ma quali sono le origini della sua incredibile storia?
Moneny quote: “Light aircraft might not be updated as often as cars, but 60 years is still a very long time to produce a vehicle that has essentially been unchanged. The only time its production ceased for an extended time was in the late 1980s, when stricter US laws restricted the manufacture of all light aircraft. What is it about the 172 that has made it such a favourite for so long?”
Moneny quote: “Light aircraft might not be updated as often as cars, but 60 years is still a very long time to produce a vehicle that has essentially been unchanged. The only time its production ceased for an extended time was in the late 1980s, when stricter US laws restricted the manufacture of all light aircraft. What is it about the 172 that has made it such a favourite for so long?”
Cashless society, why not
UNA RIFLESSIONE A mio avviso piuttosto interessante sulla nostra società in prospettiva presa dal punto di vista del denaro. Anzi, dei denari: il contante e quello elettronico. Un doppio binario del quale spesso non capiamo le differenze ma che ha invece significati profondamente diversi. Poi, dove stiamo andando: verso una società senza contante. Ma questa è una scelta che porta con sé delle conseguenze (e dei vantaggi per alcuni soggetti). Una lettura molto interessante.
Money quote: “The cashless society – which more accurately should be called the bank-payments society – is often presented as an inevitability, an outcome of ‘natural progress’. This claim is either naïve or disingenuous. Any future cashless bank-payments society will be the outcome of a deliberate war on cash waged by an alliance of three elite groups with deep interests in seeing it emerge.”
Money quote: “The cashless society – which more accurately should be called the bank-payments society – is often presented as an inevitability, an outcome of ‘natural progress’. This claim is either naïve or disingenuous. Any future cashless bank-payments society will be the outcome of a deliberate war on cash waged by an alliance of three elite groups with deep interests in seeing it emerge.”
Hackerato l'iPhone 6s di Emma Watson
HACKERATI GLI SMARTPHONE dei vip di Hollywood - il mio articolo per Macity
Money quote: “Online tutte le foto rubate delle star di Hollywood. Tra le vittime illustri, l’iPhone 6s dell’attrice britannica Emma Watson, celebre nel mondo per la saga Harry Potter”
What's the gig?
DIREI CHE DOONESBURY ha trovato la sua misura: Garry B. Trudeau anche questa domenica ci spiega meglio come sia la presidenza di Donald Trump.
La guerra fredda, cinquant'anni dopo
Un vero e proprio tesoro che da martedì è in parte diventato pubblico. Centinaia di video della guerra fredda sugli esperimenti nucleari che sono stati declassificati, digitalizzati e messi in rete dal Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Money quote: “The films, uploaded to the lab’s YouTube account, are part of a trove of some 10,000 that have been in storage since they were originally shot between 1945 and 1962, and had been held in secure vaults since then.”
Money quote: “The films, uploaded to the lab’s YouTube account, are part of a trove of some 10,000 that have been in storage since they were originally shot between 1945 and 1962, and had been held in secure vaults since then.”
Come si fa a non combinare niente, spiegato bene
ADESSO SE VOLETE deprimervi veramente veramente tanto, eccolo qui, il missile terra-terra. Astraete un attimo: pensate non al programmatore (se non siete programmatori) ma all’autore, al giornalista, al creativo, al designer, all’architetto, all’innovatore. E adesso ascoltate con mente aperta la sua rapida e triste storia
Money quote: “Well I've been trying to run before I could walk. I've been so utterly distracted by 'shiny things'; i.e new technologies, new frameworks, new languages, new approaches... I've effectively learnt how to start a new project in a thousand different ways. But I've never actually learnt how to finish what I've started.”
Money quote: “Well I've been trying to run before I could walk. I've been so utterly distracted by 'shiny things'; i.e new technologies, new frameworks, new languages, new approaches... I've effectively learnt how to start a new project in a thousand different ways. But I've never actually learnt how to finish what I've started.”
I guai di Cathay Pacific sono solo la punta dell'iceberg
LA CRISI DI CATHAY Pacific è un indicatore della ben più profonda e sotterranea crisi di Hong Kong. È la conseguenza della crescita strepitosa e incontenibile della Cina
Money quote: “Cathay and Hong Kong have been dwarfed, completely overwhelmed, by China’s growth,” said Shukor Yusof, founder of aviation consulting firm Endau Analytics in Malaysia. “China doesn’t need Hong Kong as a gateway. Its position has become a lot less important than 10 years ago.”
Money quote: “Cathay and Hong Kong have been dwarfed, completely overwhelmed, by China’s growth,” said Shukor Yusof, founder of aviation consulting firm Endau Analytics in Malaysia. “China doesn’t need Hong Kong as a gateway. Its position has become a lot less important than 10 years ago.”
Il nonno dell'aviazione leggera
IL CESSNA 172 è un aereo unico: in produzione da 60 anni circa, è uno dei più diffusi al mondo se non il più diffuso. E vola che è un piacere. Un vero miracolo di resilienza. Ma quali sono le origini della sua incredibile storia? Ecco qui
Moneny quote: “Light aircraft might not be updated as often as cars, but 60 years is still a very long time to produce a vehicle that has essentially been unchanged. The only time its production ceased for an extended time was in the late 1980s, when stricter US laws restricted the manufacture of all light aircraft. What is it about the 172 that has made it such a favourite for so long?”
Moneny quote: “Light aircraft might not be updated as often as cars, but 60 years is still a very long time to produce a vehicle that has essentially been unchanged. The only time its production ceased for an extended time was in the late 1980s, when stricter US laws restricted the manufacture of all light aircraft. What is it about the 172 that has made it such a favourite for so long?”
Italian Inside
COMUNQUE, CI DEVE essere qualche italiano anche nello staff amministrativo del Congresso americano. Perché la mezza truffa delle bandiere a stelle e strisce che vengono vendute “dopo che sono state sventolate sulla capitale degli Stati Uniti” in realtà sembra frutto di qualche ingegno nostrano. C’è anche l’ascensore…
Money quote: “The reality of the flag program is a little less glamorous. The Flag Office is located in an underground office inside the Capitol’s terrace. This office connects to the surface by a special elevator that permits the bulk flying of flags with machine-like efficiency on a single small flagpole. The flag goes up, the flag goes down; it has now been flown over the Capitol. They fly for a few seconds on a small unceremonious pole in the corner of the terrace that is strategically positioned to conceal it from tourists. Staffers and interns can sit outside the Republican cloakroom and watch the elevator running up and down in the afternoon.”
Uscire con le mani in avanti (e il giornale sulla faccia)
UNA DELLE PROFEZIE su Donald Trump presidente degli Stati Uniti che mi sento di fare è che l’uomo uscirà dalla Casa Bianca in manette. L’ipotesi se ci pensate è tutt’altro che peregrina: si tratta di arrivare a un punto in cui un altro equilibrio di poteri - giocato sul vicepresidente Pence - sia possibile e Trump faccia qualche passo davvero falso. Come accusare pubblicamente il suo predecessore Barack Obama di aver montato un sistema di spionaggio paragonabile a quello di Richard Nixon per il Watergate. Una fantasia allucinata che nasce in ambienti dell’estrema desta americana ma che, soprattutto, nell’essere raccolta da Trump mostra che l’uomo ha delle difficoltà, non è mentalmente lucido. Sul serio. E Vladimir Putin non riesce neanche ad approfittare fino in fondo di questa situazione, da quanto è fuori controllo.
Money quote: “The president of the United States doesn’t know how warrants for wiretaps work, and considered hiring a private investigator to “prove” a fever dream charge against his predecessor. This man is unfit for the job, and not mentally well. Those surrounding him who refuse to acknowledge this and remove him from office are doing a grave disservice to the nation and the world, simply for the sake of protecting their own power.”
Money quote: “The president of the United States doesn’t know how warrants for wiretaps work, and considered hiring a private investigator to “prove” a fever dream charge against his predecessor. This man is unfit for the job, and not mentally well. Those surrounding him who refuse to acknowledge this and remove him from office are doing a grave disservice to the nation and the world, simply for the sake of protecting their own power.”
I sospetti indossavano occhiali dalle spesse lenti
IN TEXAS DA un po’ c’è una legislazione anti-aborto tosta. Una parlamentare democratica ha proposto una legge che porta avanti la visione simmetrica del tema: una legge anti masturbazione maschile. Ci attendono tempi interessanti.
Money quote:
"It calls for a $100 fine for “emissions outside of a woman’s vagina, or created outside of a health or medical facility”, which “will be considered an act against an unborn child, and failing to preserve the sanctity of life”.
It also requires the creation of a “masturbatory assistance registry” of not-for-profit organisations and hospitals able to provide “fully-abstinent encouragement counseling, supervising physicians for masturbatory emissions, and storage for the semen”."
Money quote:
"It calls for a $100 fine for “emissions outside of a woman’s vagina, or created outside of a health or medical facility”, which “will be considered an act against an unborn child, and failing to preserve the sanctity of life”.
It also requires the creation of a “masturbatory assistance registry” of not-for-profit organisations and hospitals able to provide “fully-abstinent encouragement counseling, supervising physicians for masturbatory emissions, and storage for the semen”."
(This is not) Hotel California
UNA BRUTTA STORIA di controlli alla frontiera americana. C’è una band italiana, Soviet Soviet, che doveva andare a suonare gratuitamente (a scopo promozionale) in un festival piuttosto famoso, il SXSW, che ormai è diventato mainstream. Se si suona gratuitamente servono certi tipi di documenti, se si suona a pagamento ne servono altri.
Ai controlli di frontiera semplicemente non li hanno creduti e sono diventati “immigrati illegali”, con tutte le conseguenze del caso (notte in prigione ed espulsione il giorno dopo).
Money quote: “They took us to the customs office we were in the previous day and we waited for our return flight which was scheduled for around 1:00pm local time. Only a short while prior to taking off were we able to get back our cell phones and bags and we were escorted right up to the airplane. We were relieved to fly back home and distance ourselves from that violent, stressful and humiliating situation. We left Italy headed towards the US with all necessary documents, passports and various declarations in which we clearly explained the purpose of our tour, confirming it is was strictly promotional and that we were in no way going to earn money from it or receive any form of payment. We knew that if we were to receive any compensation we would have had to apply for work visas. This was not the case and the people we spoke to for information told us we would be fine.”
Ai controlli di frontiera semplicemente non li hanno creduti e sono diventati “immigrati illegali”, con tutte le conseguenze del caso (notte in prigione ed espulsione il giorno dopo).
Money quote: “They took us to the customs office we were in the previous day and we waited for our return flight which was scheduled for around 1:00pm local time. Only a short while prior to taking off were we able to get back our cell phones and bags and we were escorted right up to the airplane. We were relieved to fly back home and distance ourselves from that violent, stressful and humiliating situation. We left Italy headed towards the US with all necessary documents, passports and various declarations in which we clearly explained the purpose of our tour, confirming it is was strictly promotional and that we were in no way going to earn money from it or receive any form of payment. We knew that if we were to receive any compensation we would have had to apply for work visas. This was not the case and the people we spoke to for information told us we would be fine.”
My way
VITA E (TRA poco) morte di una delle più importanti figure del mondo di appassionati Apple in California. Se volete spezzarvi il cuore, leggete questo articolo sino in fondo.
Money quote: “One day next week, if all goes according to plan, Tom Negrino will swallow a dose of anti-nausea drugs. Shortly afterward, he will raise a glass filled with four ounces of liquid and drink. Ninety capsules of a barbiturate will be dissolved in that glass. Negrino will follow it up with a glass of good wine, say goodbye to his wife and fall asleep. Within an hour, he will be dead.”
Money quote: “One day next week, if all goes according to plan, Tom Negrino will swallow a dose of anti-nausea drugs. Shortly afterward, he will raise a glass filled with four ounces of liquid and drink. Ninety capsules of a barbiturate will be dissolved in that glass. Negrino will follow it up with a glass of good wine, say goodbye to his wife and fall asleep. Within an hour, he will be dead.”
The Believer è uscito dal gruppo
CI SONO ARTICOLI CHE scrivi a cui tieni e articoli a cui scrivi a cui tieni di più. Non per come sono scritti, ma per l’argomento che trattano. Adoro The Believer e tengono molto a questo articolo che ho fatto per Fumettologica
Money quote: “Questa è la (forse) felice ripartenza o (forse) triste fine della traiettoria a zig-zag di una delle riviste di critica letteraria più belle degli ultimi trent’anni anni: The Believer, nata nel 2003 dalla fantasia del gruppo di autori e saggisti vicini allo scrittore californiano Dave Eggers e a sua moglie, la scrittrice Vendela Vida, insieme alle scrittrici Heidi Julavits e Karolina Waclawiak. Oggi sono tutti attorno ai 40-45 anni, all’epoca tardi trentenni di belle speranze e, nel caso di Eggers, già famosi.”
Money quote: “Questa è la (forse) felice ripartenza o (forse) triste fine della traiettoria a zig-zag di una delle riviste di critica letteraria più belle degli ultimi trent’anni anni: The Believer, nata nel 2003 dalla fantasia del gruppo di autori e saggisti vicini allo scrittore californiano Dave Eggers e a sua moglie, la scrittrice Vendela Vida, insieme alle scrittrici Heidi Julavits e Karolina Waclawiak. Oggi sono tutti attorno ai 40-45 anni, all’epoca tardi trentenni di belle speranze e, nel caso di Eggers, già famosi.”
Go, Donny, go!
OGNUNO DI NOI vive nella sua bolla ed è convinto delle sue ragioni, magari senza rendersi conto di quelle degli altri e soprattutto di una visione oggettiva della realtà (che magari gli riesce facile per il resto del mondo). In ogni caso, se questo non fosse vero, questa domenica Garry B. Trudeau con il suo Doonesbury ci regalerebbe un insospettabile lato di George W. Bush.
False partenze (ovvero, come rovinarsi la serata)
MI PIACE MOLTO un certo approccio descrittivo e investigativo, avvolto però in un velo di parole che mostrino l’umanità di chi scrive, quando si affronta l’argomento della malattia, del cervello, della mente. Mi piace Oliver Sacks, per dire (che, non c’entra, ma ha lasciato un ultimo blocchetto di parole intitolato da noi “Gratitudine”, prima di morire), e invece soffro quando leggo dell’ennesima supercazzola delle neuroscienze. In questo caso, a sorpresa, ho trovato questa piccola storia che potrebbe rimettere a tutti noi i piedi per terra, riportarci nella neurologia quando era narrazione non (come oggi) completamente separata dalla psicologia.
Anche se, lasciatemelo dire, una storia così era meglio se la raccontava uno che non scrive con il machete: l’umanità di un trattore che ara il campo. Mamma mia. Quindi, cioè, magari non leggetelo va, che a me è già passata la voglia.
Money quote: “Without an intact and functioning hippocampus, Johnson, who was in her late 50s at the time, no longer had access to most of the vast store of memories she’d accumulated over her lifetime. She didn’t remember that she had once been married. She no longer knew that her beloved father had died nearly 20 years earlier. The farm in upstate New York where she’d been living for a decade, and which she deeply loved, was completely unfamiliar. She did recognise her mother and sister, but her oldest and closest friends were now complete strangers to her.”
Anche se, lasciatemelo dire, una storia così era meglio se la raccontava uno che non scrive con il machete: l’umanità di un trattore che ara il campo. Mamma mia. Quindi, cioè, magari non leggetelo va, che a me è già passata la voglia.
Money quote: “Without an intact and functioning hippocampus, Johnson, who was in her late 50s at the time, no longer had access to most of the vast store of memories she’d accumulated over her lifetime. She didn’t remember that she had once been married. She no longer knew that her beloved father had died nearly 20 years earlier. The farm in upstate New York where she’d been living for a decade, and which she deeply loved, was completely unfamiliar. She did recognise her mother and sister, but her oldest and closest friends were now complete strangers to her.”
Frozen Hell
Ci sono i virus per Mac? Certamente, come ce ne sono per Windows e per Linux. Andrebbero più correttamente categorizzati come “malware”, ombrello che racchiude virus, spyware, worm, macro dannose. Nessun sistema è “sicuro”, così come nessun sistema è “stabile” in modo assoluto. Ci si muove lungo una linea di crescente o calante sicurezza o stabilità, e l’attrattività di un sistema per i malintenzionati che producono malware è dettata dalla sua diffusione e relativa sicurezza o stabilità naturale.
In questo caso la scoperta è di un attacco basato su Macro di Word per Mac. Un attacco che si basa sulla principale debolezza di ogni sistema: l’utente che sta davanti allo schermo.
Money quote: “Overall this malware sample isn't particularly advanced. It relies on user interaction (to open a malicious document in Microsoft Word, (not Apple's Pages)), as well as needs macros to be enabled. Most users know never to allow macros - right!?! Moreover using an open-source implant likely ensures that detection software should detect it - right!?
However let's be nice and give the attackers some credit. By using a macros in Word document they are exploiting the weakest link; humans! And moreover since macros are 'legitimate' functionality (vs. say a memory corruption vulnerability) the malware's infection vector doesn't have to worry about crashing the system nor being 'patched' out. ”
In questo caso la scoperta è di un attacco basato su Macro di Word per Mac. Un attacco che si basa sulla principale debolezza di ogni sistema: l’utente che sta davanti allo schermo.
Money quote: “Overall this malware sample isn't particularly advanced. It relies on user interaction (to open a malicious document in Microsoft Word, (not Apple's Pages)), as well as needs macros to be enabled. Most users know never to allow macros - right!?! Moreover using an open-source implant likely ensures that detection software should detect it - right!?
However let's be nice and give the attackers some credit. By using a macros in Word document they are exploiting the weakest link; humans! And moreover since macros are 'legitimate' functionality (vs. say a memory corruption vulnerability) the malware's infection vector doesn't have to worry about crashing the system nor being 'patched' out. ”
Love over the top
COM’ERA STARE con Oliver Sacks
Money quote: “My decision to move to New York more than a year later had nothing to do with Oliver, and I did not have a relationship in mind. I had simply reached a point in my life where I had to get away from San Francisco — my home for the past 25 years — and, at age 48, start fresh. But once I moved here in the spring of 2009, O and I started spending time together and quickly got better and better acquainted.”
Money quote: “My decision to move to New York more than a year later had nothing to do with Oliver, and I did not have a relationship in mind. I had simply reached a point in my life where I had to get away from San Francisco — my home for the past 25 years — and, at age 48, start fresh. But once I moved here in the spring of 2009, O and I started spending time together and quickly got better and better acquainted.”
Trump, aspetta, ma chi mi ricordava?
PICCOLE COSE DI cui non si parla molto spesso. L’attenzione di Adolf Hitler e del regime nazista negli anni Trenta per le leggi razziali e il suprematismo bianco degli Stati Uniti
Money quote: “The record of that meeting is only one piece of evidence in an unexamined history that is sure to make Americans cringe. Throughout the early 1930s, the years of the making of the Nuremberg Laws, Nazi policymakers looked to US law for inspiration. Hitler himself, in Mein Kampf (1925), described the US as ‘the one state’ that had made progress toward the creation of a healthy racist society, and after the Nazis seized power in 1933 they continued to cite and ponder US models regularly. They saw many things to despise in US constitutional values, to be sure. But they also saw many things to admire in US white supremacy, and when the Nuremberg Laws were promulgated in 1935, it is almost certainly the case that they reflected direct US influence.”
Money quote: “The record of that meeting is only one piece of evidence in an unexamined history that is sure to make Americans cringe. Throughout the early 1930s, the years of the making of the Nuremberg Laws, Nazi policymakers looked to US law for inspiration. Hitler himself, in Mein Kampf (1925), described the US as ‘the one state’ that had made progress toward the creation of a healthy racist society, and after the Nazis seized power in 1933 they continued to cite and ponder US models regularly. They saw many things to despise in US constitutional values, to be sure. But they also saw many things to admire in US white supremacy, and when the Nuremberg Laws were promulgated in 1935, it is almost certainly the case that they reflected direct US influence.”
Ops, m'è scappato il creativo
IN RETE, TRA i creativi digitali più hardcore, c’è un certo movimento. Continuo a trovare tracce di un certo cambiamento di passo, come dire. Mollano Apple e passano a Linux comprandosi un Dell XPS 13. Boh
Money quote 1: “The time for Open Source software is now”
Money quote 2: “So today I took delivery of my new laptop. A Dell XPS 13 developer edition that comes pre-installed with Ubuntu. In many ways I feel as I did back when I got my Powerbook; excited and anxious for the change. I need to find new software, create new habits and work out which distro and desktop environment best fits my needs.”
Money quote 1: “The time for Open Source software is now”
Money quote 2: “So today I took delivery of my new laptop. A Dell XPS 13 developer edition that comes pre-installed with Ubuntu. In many ways I feel as I did back when I got my Powerbook; excited and anxious for the change. I need to find new software, create new habits and work out which distro and desktop environment best fits my needs.”
Distorsione Eisner
AVETE PRESENTE LA Graphic Novel? Quello inventato da Will Eisner con il suo “Contratto con Dio”? Ecco, no. Pensate meglio. Il processo di creazione della Graphic Novel (io lo uso al femminile, accidenti ai gram-nazi) è molto più complesso. E il ruolo di Eisner c’è, ma va capito meglio. Il mondo è una cosa complicata. Lo spiega molto, molto bene Matteo Stefanelli su Fumettologica.
Money quote: “(...) anche per evitare che l’antica Distorsione Eisner inquini e appiattisca il dibattito. L’uscita di Contratto con Dio non è stato un momento di creazione, quanto piuttosto di amplificazione. Con l’esempio fornito dalla sua credibilità di autore affermato, Eisner non ha aperto la strada al graphic novel, bensì la ha allargata, asfaltata, illuminata. Quanto basta a disfarsi di certa vulgata agiografica, ma anche quanto serve per sottolineare il ruolo propulsivo di un libro (di un autore) che ha contribuito a condurre il fumetto lungo la strada in cui possiamo incontrarlo oggi.”
Money quote: “(...) anche per evitare che l’antica Distorsione Eisner inquini e appiattisca il dibattito. L’uscita di Contratto con Dio non è stato un momento di creazione, quanto piuttosto di amplificazione. Con l’esempio fornito dalla sua credibilità di autore affermato, Eisner non ha aperto la strada al graphic novel, bensì la ha allargata, asfaltata, illuminata. Quanto basta a disfarsi di certa vulgata agiografica, ma anche quanto serve per sottolineare il ruolo propulsivo di un libro (di un autore) che ha contribuito a condurre il fumetto lungo la strada in cui possiamo incontrarlo oggi.”
giovane autore,
Dos al prez di uan
CI SONO I telefoni smart e quelli dumb. Chi li vuole, questi ultimi? Costano pochissimo, possono essere usati per vari scopi. Ad esempio, un produttore cinese ne ha fatto uno che è anche un caricabatteria per altri apparecchi. Geniale o folle?
Money quote: “if you’re going to have a dumbphone as a back-up device, it may as well provide some extra utility beyond calls and texts. And, chances are, the reason you need a back-up phone in the first place is because your smartphone is dead. With the Power Bank U28 you kill two birds with one stone: you get an emergency phone and also an emergency charger.”
Money quote: “if you’re going to have a dumbphone as a back-up device, it may as well provide some extra utility beyond calls and texts. And, chances are, the reason you need a back-up phone in the first place is because your smartphone is dead. With the Power Bank U28 you kill two birds with one stone: you get an emergency phone and also an emergency charger.”
Tutte le cozze del mondo
POESIA E ONLINE. Rete e parole. Roberto R. Corsi affronta il tema in modo gagliardo. Lo speech tenuto al Mise en Atelier (MET) all’interno della cornice della Critica letteraria oggi è interessante e con molte suggestioni. Un po’ manuale, un po’ suggerimento, un po’ riflessione. Pessimisticamente ottimista. Leggero. Complesso. Robertiano, insomma.
Money quote: “Eccovi dunque il meteo de L’online della poesia: tempo inclemente, gravido di nere nubi di nostalgia. Nessuna solidarietà tra “utenti del corrimano” in stile Szymborska: sei solo con te stesso oppure dileggiato.”
Money quote: “Eccovi dunque il meteo de L’online della poesia: tempo inclemente, gravido di nere nubi di nostalgia. Nessuna solidarietà tra “utenti del corrimano” in stile Szymborska: sei solo con te stesso oppure dileggiato.”
It's the blame game
E SE FOSSE tutta colpa dei baby boomers? Ipotesi non del tutto peregrina, a mio modesto avviso
Money quote: “It’s a shocking hypothesis, but then again, America has suffered a shocking decline. In 1971, Alan Shepard was playing golf on the moon. Today, America can’t put a man into orbit (or, allegedly, the Oval Office) without Russian assistance. Something changed, and that something was the boomers and the sociopathic agenda they emplaced.”
Money quote: “It’s a shocking hypothesis, but then again, America has suffered a shocking decline. In 1971, Alan Shepard was playing golf on the moon. Today, America can’t put a man into orbit (or, allegedly, the Oval Office) without Russian assistance. Something changed, and that something was the boomers and the sociopathic agenda they emplaced.”
How to with... find, grep, sed, and awk
PER IL VOSTRO fine settimana nerd, un bel ripasso dei fondamentali: find, grep, sed, and awk.
Ma c’è anche da riflettere sul discorso di cosa sia la shell e perché la sua sintassi sia diversa da quello di un linguaggio adattato alla programmazione strutturata
Ma c’è anche da riflettere sul discorso di cosa sia la shell e perché la sua sintassi sia diversa da quello di un linguaggio adattato alla programmazione strutturata
Ancora sul Nokia 3310
EMOZIONE NOKIA: C’È ancora spazio per il nuovo 3310? Il mio articolo per Macity dove si confronta un po’ per gioco e un po’ no il vecchio con il nuovo. E si vede cosa succede con questi due apparecchi in due momenti storici così apparentemente differenti anche se in parte non lo sono poi così tanto
So it begins.
DOONESBURY DI QUESTA domenica affaticata è un appello di Garry B. Trudeau a resistere, resistere, resistere. Molto presidenziale
Be water my friend
HO UNA FASCINAZIONE profonda e antica per Bruce Lee che risale alla mia infanzia, e che nel corso degli anni mi ha portato più volte a stupirmi semplicemente rincontrandolo: la Cina, Hong Kong, le arti marziali, il miglioramento e la realizzazione di se stesso. E tanto altro, incluso il concetto di “be water my friend” regalatomi da un mio amico e la filosofia di Lee che ho approfondito senza sapere (per poi leggermela avidamente).
Ecco qui c’è di nuovo Bruce Lee al suo meglio: l’uomo, non tanto l’artista o il “martial artist” e basta. L’uomo che scrive a se stesso per dire chi vuole essere e chiarsi le idee sui suoi obiettivi. Un gigante della volontà.
Money quote:
“My Definite Chief Aim,
I, Bruce Lee, will be the first highest paid Oriental super star in the United States. In return I will give the most exciting performances and render the best of quality in the capacity of an actor. Starting 1970 I will achieve world fame and from then onward till the end of 1980 I will have in my possession $10,000,000. I will live the way I please and achieve inner harmony and happiness.
Bruce Lee
Jan. 1969”
Ecco qui c’è di nuovo Bruce Lee al suo meglio: l’uomo, non tanto l’artista o il “martial artist” e basta. L’uomo che scrive a se stesso per dire chi vuole essere e chiarsi le idee sui suoi obiettivi. Un gigante della volontà.
Money quote:
“My Definite Chief Aim,
I, Bruce Lee, will be the first highest paid Oriental super star in the United States. In return I will give the most exciting performances and render the best of quality in the capacity of an actor. Starting 1970 I will achieve world fame and from then onward till the end of 1980 I will have in my possession $10,000,000. I will live the way I please and achieve inner harmony and happiness.
Bruce Lee
Jan. 1969”
Guerra tra giganti
I FORTI SCONTI che Sony fa sulla sua Playstation 4 proprio nel giorno di lancio della Switch di Nintendo mi fanno pensare che forse la “piccola” macchina per l’intrattenimento videoludico di Mario e Zelda un po’ di paura la faccia. O comunque che seguono l’adagio di un vecchio difensore: spezzagli le gambe il primo minuto, così poi non corrono più.
Sounds from another dimension
VOLETE UN GIRADISCHI. Non lo sapete ma volete un giradischi. Molto. Anzi, moltissimo. E non ne volete uno qualunque. Volete questo. Davvero. Come si fa a non volerlo? Mannaggia. Costa troppo per me.
Money quote: “Wheel is an minimal record player. It’s only a wheel. Simple, pure and easy to use. Just place a record on Wheel and it will play the bottom. All functions are controlled by the center stick.”
Money quote: “Wheel is an minimal record player. It’s only a wheel. Simple, pure and easy to use. Just place a record on Wheel and it will play the bottom. All functions are controlled by the center stick.”
Burn out e offline
STA PRENDENDO CORPO in maniera sempre più definita l’idea di andare offline. È il burn-out di una generazione (la mia, temo) ma anche l’effetto Donald Trump (fuga dal controllo digitale), il bisogno di recuperare una dimensione antropologica più normale, l’effetto nostalgia e altre cose del genere.
In questo caso ha fatto sboom Andrew Sullivan, che decisamente è stato uno degli alfieri della “onlife”. Lo racconta lui stesso in questo articolo non breve (che ovviamente leggerete online dopo averne trovata traccia sul mio canale Telegram: si percepisce l’ironia?)
Money quote: “I was, in other words, a very early adopter of what we might now call living-in-the-web. And as the years went by, I realized I was no longer alone. Facebook soon gave everyone the equivalent of their own blog and their own audience. More and more people got a smartphone — connecting them instantly to a deluge of febrile content, forcing them to cull and absorb and assimilate the online torrent as relentlessly as I had once. Twitter emerged as a form of instant blogging of microthoughts. Users were as addicted to the feedback as I had long been — and even more prolific. Then the apps descended, like the rain, to inundate what was left of our free time. It was ubiquitous now, this virtual living, this never-stopping, this always-updating. I remember when I decided to raise the ante on my blog in 2007 and update every half-hour or so, and my editor looked at me as if I were insane. But the insanity was now banality; the once-unimaginable pace of the professional blogger was now the default for everyone.
If the internet killed you, I used to joke, then I would be the first to find out. Years later, the joke was running thin. In the last year of my blogging life, my health began to give out. Four bronchial infections in 12 months had become progressively harder to kick. Vacations, such as they were, had become mere opportunities for sleep. My dreams were filled with the snippets of code I used each day to update the site . My friendships had atrophied as my time away from the web dwindled. My doctor, dispensing one more course of antibiotics, finally laid it on the line: “Did you really survive HIV to die of the web?””
In questo caso ha fatto sboom Andrew Sullivan, che decisamente è stato uno degli alfieri della “onlife”. Lo racconta lui stesso in questo articolo non breve (che ovviamente leggerete online dopo averne trovata traccia sul mio canale Telegram: si percepisce l’ironia?)
Money quote: “I was, in other words, a very early adopter of what we might now call living-in-the-web. And as the years went by, I realized I was no longer alone. Facebook soon gave everyone the equivalent of their own blog and their own audience. More and more people got a smartphone — connecting them instantly to a deluge of febrile content, forcing them to cull and absorb and assimilate the online torrent as relentlessly as I had once. Twitter emerged as a form of instant blogging of microthoughts. Users were as addicted to the feedback as I had long been — and even more prolific. Then the apps descended, like the rain, to inundate what was left of our free time. It was ubiquitous now, this virtual living, this never-stopping, this always-updating. I remember when I decided to raise the ante on my blog in 2007 and update every half-hour or so, and my editor looked at me as if I were insane. But the insanity was now banality; the once-unimaginable pace of the professional blogger was now the default for everyone.
If the internet killed you, I used to joke, then I would be the first to find out. Years later, the joke was running thin. In the last year of my blogging life, my health began to give out. Four bronchial infections in 12 months had become progressively harder to kick. Vacations, such as they were, had become mere opportunities for sleep. My dreams were filled with the snippets of code I used each day to update the site . My friendships had atrophied as my time away from the web dwindled. My doctor, dispensing one more course of antibiotics, finally laid it on the line: “Did you really survive HIV to die of the web?””
Time machine
SONO PASSATE ALCUNE settimane ma vale la pena ritornarci. La situazione era infatti complessa, c'erano molti piani di lettura dopo il titolo di Libero (cioè di Vittorio Feltri) sulla sindaca Virginia Raggi (definita inequivocabilmente “Patata bollente”) e l’apparentemente sconnesso (rispetto a Libero) tweet di Asia Argento su Giorgia Meloni (le ha dato della “lardosa”). Francesco Merlo su Repubblica ha scelto a mio avviso il più mediocre: non aveva niente da dire? Forse la banalità del mondo l’ha nauseato? Forse la sua percezione è orientata verso altri orizzonti di senso? Ma lo pagano per scrivere e quindi ha fatto il compitino.
Money quote: “Lardo e patate dunque, come il piatto triestino di cucina povera, “patate in tecia”: sapori forti e sostanza debole, surrogati di gastronomia, la sapida miseria servita in tavola.”
Money quote: “Lardo e patate dunque, come il piatto triestino di cucina povera, “patate in tecia”: sapori forti e sostanza debole, surrogati di gastronomia, la sapida miseria servita in tavola.”
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